Upcoming Events Page

Come reach the lost with us!!


We have a plan!!!

1st Saturday of every month – We are indoors and we send out letters in order to et the Gospel into the 37,000 homes in


Second Saturday of the month – We go out door knocking. Good old fashioned door to door soulwinning

Third Saturday of the month – We go to the Southern New Hampshire Rescue Mission where we prepare and serve dinner and get to know folks and be a witness

Fourth Saturday of every month – Stay home and do something with your family

And if there is a

Fifth Saturday of every month – Church family movie night at the church. Begins at 6:30PM


Deerfield Fair Trip

September 28, 2024                                     The bus will be leaving the church at 9:00 AM and we will leave the fair at no later then 3:00 PM.

Please let pastor know if you are interested in a ride so we know if we should bring the van or the bus.

Apple Picking

The bus will be leaving the church right after morning services on October 6, 2024.

The church will purchase a small bag of apples for every family.

Chili Cook Off

October 13, 2024 

Our Annual Chili Cook Off will take place!! Bring in your homemade chili and enter to win a $50.00 gift card and a hand made pepper mill!!

Chili will  be judged right after morning service and after the judging we will all eat the chili!!

Men's Fellowship Breakfast

October 19, 2024

Men you are invited to join us at Temple St Diner at 8 AM for some breakfast and fellowship!!

Save New England

October 21-22, 2024

This annual meeting takes place in Rhode Island.

We will be traveling down on Monday and coming home late on Tuesday.

If you are interested in attending please let Pastor know so we cam discuss accommodations for Monday night